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Mounting Tool, camshaft
  • Engine Code: CCFA, CCFC
  • Number of Parts [parts]: 9
  • Weight [g]: 9,500
  • Manufacturer Restriction: VAG, PORSCHE
  • Brief Information: camshaft assembly tool set for VAG and Porsche
  • Manufacturer: KS TOOLS NARZÊDZIA

General Information: •For installing the camshafts in the correct position •Needed when installing new or existing camshafts •Attempting installation without this tool may lead to damage on the camshaft bearing bridge and the cylinder head For models: Suitable for the following diesel vehicles (TDI CR) from 2003 onwards: Audi, Porsche, Seat, Škoda, Volkswagen with 1.2, 1.6, 2.0, 2.7, 3.0, 4.0, 4.2 common rail engines Engine codes: Engine codes ASB, ASE, BKN, BKS, BMK, BNG, BPP, BSG, BTR, BUG, BUN, BVN, CAAA, CAAB, CAAC.CAAD, CAAE, CAGA, CAGB, CAGC, CAHA, CAHB.CAMA, CAMB, CANA, CANB, CANC, CAND, CAPA.CARA, CASA, CASB, CASC, CASD, CATA, CAYA, CAYB, CAYC, CAYD, CAYE, CBAA, CBAB, CBAC.CBBA, CBBB, CBDA, CBDB, CBDC, CCFA, CCFC.CCHA, CCHB, CCLA, CCMA, CCWA, CCWB, CDBA, CDCA, CDSB, CDTA, CDTB, CDUC, CDUD, CDYA, CDYB, CDYC, CEGA, CEXA, CFCA, CFFA, CFFB, CFFD, CFFE, CFGB, CFGC, CFGD, CFHA, CFHB, CFHC, CFHD, CFHE, CFHF, CFJA, CFWA, CGKA, CGKB, CGLA, CGLB, CGLC, CGLD.CGLE, CGQB, CJAA, CJCA, CJCB, CJCC, CJCD.CJGA, CJGC, CJGD, CJMA, CKDA, CKTB, CKTC, CKUB, CKUC, CKVB, CKVC.CLAA, CLAB, CLCA.CLCB, CLJA, CLLA, CLNA, CLZB, CMEA, CMFA, CMFB, CMGB, CMHA, CNEA, CNFA, CNRB, CRCA.CSHA, M05/9D (CAS).M05/9E, M05/9E (CRCA), M05/9E (CRCB) Contents: Mounting device including pre-assembled parts, use as OEM T40094Camshaft clamp, use as OEM T400952 alignment clamps, use as OEM T40096, T40096/14 camshaft brackets for mounting device, use as OEM T40094/1, T40094/2, T40094/9, T40094/10Interlock for camshaft bracket, use as OEM T40094/11

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